The Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2020

I am writing to congratulate the Newport and District Agricultral Society on being awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service this year. It is a huge honour for you and all the volunteers who give so much of their time to such a worthwhile cause. The award has an incredibly high standard and it is the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.
I have been hugely impressed by your dedication and skills in making the park such a beautiful place for so many to enjoy for the show and your innovative skills in keeping it such a popular show to attend.
To become a QAVS winner it is well known that you have to go that extra mile and you have proven you do this, particularly as it is such a large project to maintain. At the same time it is such a pleasure to see you all enjoying what you do.
I very much look forward to the presentation of the award, hopefully later in the year. Please pass on my congratulations to your dedicated band of volunteers.
With very best wishes,
Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire